Friday, April 22, 2016

sharepoint workspace 2010 - Error: Running in limited functionality

Sharepoint  workspace 2010: gives the error below once you login, & then usually no files can be open without a very long delay

Error : sharepoint will run in limited functionality 

Solution: follow these steps: 

1) Add the following files to your local windows firewall (even if you are on a domain)
these files are located:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14

p.s. :make sure that these files are allowed on all your netwoek types (public, private &home)
2) download then install these hotfixes on your windows

Windows 32 bits hotfix from HERE
Windows 64 bits hotfix from HERE

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

SharePoint 2010 - Export Selected Items to Excel

In SharePoint 2010, sites can export custom list items to Excel using the Export to Excel option in the ribbon toolbar. It will export all items in that particular view in which the option is invoked. SharePoint literally is not exporting the items it creates in the query file instead, which will have the view id and helps to query the SharePoint list data and the results are shown in the excel spreadsheet. 

Now if I have a requirement something like, I need to export only specific items from the list. Let's say I want to export only 10 items out of 30 items shown in the view then there is no direct option for that. I need to create a view and apply filter to extract only the specific 10 items which I want to export. But I can' t create views every time to export any specific items. What if I don't have appropriate permissions to create views? 

To overcome these kind of issues, I have found a component which will export the specific items from the custom list. Its a custom action which will create the "Export to excel" ribbon button. Just select the items and click on the button in the ribbon to export the items.

Here's the simple, fast solution WSP for how to Export custom list items to Excel in SharePoint 2010. 

Download it from HERE

How To

  1. Deploy the WSP to the concerned web application
  2. Go to site features and activate the feature
  3. Use the export functionality in the custom list
Thanks to Code Project


Another issue, If you want to export to excel based on a certain filter, just make a view with this filter.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sharepoint 2010 Lists not showing title all suddenly on adding or editing .

You have Sharepoint 2010. Everything was fine, until suddenly Lists are not showing title on editing or adding.. Even If you try creating new lists, same problem. Solution?

Go to main Site then:

Go to Site Actions Then Go to  Site Settings Then Go -->:(Galleries) Site Content Types : 

from  List Content Type, click on: Item  

-->:Click on the "Title" under columns

 And then make sure you choose required. 


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sharepoint Library : Download Error (Size)


From a SharePoint 2010 Library, you try to download some shared files and came across an issue where all files larger than 50MB generated the error above, specifically Error 0x800700DF: The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved. 
The problem is with the Windows 7 machine you are using but this solution also applies to Windows 8.


The solution is editing the registry by following the instructions below:

  1. Go into Regedit

  2. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters\FileSizeLimitinBytes

  3. The default value in the FileSizeLimitinBytes DWORD is shown by the following screenshot and is set to 50MB (50000000). The value in the DWORD is in bytes.

  4. Please click on the picture to get a clearer view

  5. Change this value to a value of your choice and hit ok

  6. Don’t forget to restart your computer.